Our Services

At Precision Footcare, we pride ourselves on delivering expert foot care services directly to your home. Wendy Craig, a highly skilled Professional Foot Care Practitioner, owns and operates the business.

We serve Blackburn, Darwen, and surrounding areas, ensuring top-quality care for your foot health needs.

Toenail Trimming

Regular toenail trimming helps prevent conditions such as ingrowing toenails and infections. This service is essential for maintaining healthy nails, especially for clients with mobility issues or diabetes.

Corn Removal

Corns can be painful and lead to further foot complications if not treated properly. Our expert removal techniques provide relief and help prevent recurrence.

Callus Reduction

Thickened skin or calluses can cause discomfort or pain. We offer professional callus reduction to restore the health and comfort of your feet.

Fungal Infection Treatments

Fungal infections, including athlete's foot and fungal nails, require targeted treatments. We provide practical solutions to treat and manage these infections, enhancing foot hygiene and health.

Cracked Heel Care

Cracked heels can be unsightly and painful. Our treatments moisturise and heal your heels, preventing further cracking and infection.

Diabetic Foot Care

Specialised care for diabetic patients is crucial to prevent serious complications. We offer comprehensive foot assessments, tailored advice, and treatments to manage and prevent foot-related diabetes issues.

Verruca Treatments

Verrucas are stubborn viral infections that can be difficult to treat. We use the latest techniques to effectively treat verrucas, aiming for a quick and painless resolution.
