About Us

Wendy Craig, BSc (Hons), FFTA, FHP DIP, MCFHP, MAFHP

Wendy Craig is the founder and principal practitioner at Precision Footcare, offering expert foot care services directly to your home throughout Blackburn, Darwen, and surrounding areas. With over two decades of experience and comprehensive educational background, Wendy specialises in biomechanics and provides bespoke foot orthoses and nail surgery under local anaesthesia. Her approach focuses on patient-centred care, prioritising comfort and foot health needs.

Our Commitment

Precision Footcare is committed to delivering the highest standards of foot care. Understanding the importance of mobility and independence, we offer services, including toenail trimming, corn removal, callus reduction, and specialised treatments for fungal infections, cracked heels, and diabetic foot care.

Education and Prevention

We emphasise the importance of education in foot health, providing our clients with the knowledge needed to prevent future foot issues. During each home visit, Wendy offers personalised advice and recommends tailored treatments and preventive care.

Community and Professional Engagement

We are proud members of the Foot Health Practitioners community and adhere to the guidelines set by the Professional Standards Authority. We are registered with the Register for Health Practitioners and actively support Diabetes UK, contributing to improved foot health management for individuals with diabetes.

Hygiene and Safety

Precision Footcare maintains the strictest hygiene protocols to ensure safe and effective treatment during every home visit. Our commitment to cleanliness and safety offers peace of mind to all our clients.

Contact Us

For more information about our mobile foot care services or to schedule a visit at your home, please call 01254 264698 or 07552989290. You can also email us at info@precision-footcare.co.uk. Whether you are dealing with fungal nail infections, ingrowing toenails, verrucas, or athlete’s foot, trust Precision Footcare to provide expert and compassionate care directly to your doorstep.
